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Software & Website Localization

In this age of globalization, markets have become more and more internationalized, hence giving rise to the need to provide information in a variety of languages. This is especially true for the software market, where the product itself consists nearly exclusively of localizable information.


The NuFantex Software & Website Localization Process

1. Planning & evaluation


Firstly, we will plan the project with you, listen attentively to your needs, and inform you clearly on what we can deliver and by when. We will also highlight any regulatory and cultural adaptation issues that have to be considered specifically for your project. In addition, we will also provide our clients with project engineering analyses, including requirements specification and process definition.


2. Extracting assets from the software source into translatable formats and re-integrating them


Once all issues have been identified and resolved in the pre-project consultation phase, we will extract all translatable elements from your software product using a variety of applications, and then re-integrate them after translation.


3. Linguistic Testing


  • Setting up bug report formats or databases

  • Identifying localization issues in the client's build environment

  • Taking localized screen shots

  • User interface testing

  • Regression testing and bug fixing


4. Localization Testing


What localization testing services do NuFantex have to offer?

Localization testing services offered by NuFantex fall primarily into three categories: 


  • Basic Functionality Testing

  • Advanced Functionality Testing

  • Comprehensive Testing


Basic Functionality Testing

Basic functionality testing includes:


  • Validating that the program installs and uninstalls correctly on the native operating system

  • Reviewing the user interface and related options, such as verifying that the text strings fit properly into their dialog boxes, and that currency, time, etc., are correct and in appropriate formats

  • Confirming that all text strings are in the appropriate language

  • Verifying that the final localized product functions as required 


Advanced Functionality Testing


Advanced functionality testing comprises all of items of basic functionality testing, and further includes a review by native language Test Engineers for enhanced linguistic quality assurance. Advanced functionality testing includes:


  • Checking the product for linguistic inconsistencies both within the program and between the software components and Help files

  • Verifying that spelling, grammar, and sort order are correct for the localized versions.

  • Verifying that idiomatic usage is correct throughout the localized product. 


Comprehensive Testing


During comprehensive testing, trained translators and software engineers conduct both comprehensive linguistic and functionality testings.

Localization process

How can NuFantex help with localization testing?

At NuFantex, we appreciate that localization testing of a product on multiple operating systems and in a wide range of language settings is no small feat, especially when pressed with a tight deadline. We also recognize that the skills needed to conduct localization testing are very specialized, and due to the cyclical nature of testing, specialists can be hard to find and even harder to keep. Consequently, more and more companies are turning to qualified, dependable, external sources like NuFantex for localization testing.


NuFantex has made several strategic moves to ensure that we provide the highest quality and most cost-effective localization testing available today, including:


  • Hiring localization testing experts.

  • Investing in localization testing training.

  • Signing collaboration agreements with other labs in Europe, Taiwan, Japan, and India to provide native language support and additional localization testing services where needed. 


At NuFantex we have both general and specialized methodologies and tools designed to support rapid set up, execution, and regression testing for localization testing projects. The speed and efficiency with which we are able to set up and run localization tests mean cost savings for you. NuFantex can provide you with a defects report using our customized electronic delivery system, or we can enter the defects records directly into your tracking system. And of course, you will always have a Lead Tester and Project Manager assigned to your localization testing project, so that you can contact us at any time. 

User experience UX

After reintegrating the translatable elements back into your software product, our engineers and translators will then proceed with linguistic testing (LT) and user experience (UX) evaluation.


For many software and hardware in the market, the user interfaces and buttons for various features are usually named by the engineers themselves during software development. However, due considerations may not have been given to ensure that these names are suitable, easy to understand and sufficiently user-friendly. Without appropriate UX considerations, the information provided on the user interfaces may not accurately convey what the features were meant to do, and hence compromising the users’ ability to master the operations. If such a product were to be eventually marketed overseas, it will have to be translated into multiple languages. This means even more end users will be baffled by the buttons and descriptions on these interfaces. In user interface development, emphasis should not only be placed on the engineering aspect of functional testing; what’s more important is end user experience testing, since it is ultimately the end users who will purchase and use the products. However, with stiff competition among various products in the market and technical advancements occurring at rocket speed, if each product is launched only after its end user experience has been perfected, its competitors may already be developing improved versions at the time of its launch. It is with this in mind that we provide UX services to help our clients by performing a “comprehensibility” check on the user interfaces of their completed products, within the limited period of time before the products are officially launched. We will surface texts that are incomprehensible or difficult to understand and provide suggestions for improvement, hence completing the last step of perfecting the product before it is delivered to the end users. This service extends to all language versions of the product.


Managing your localized software assets


Of increasing importance to all companies engaged in software localization projects, is the need to maximize the often hidden 'value' in the translation assets they hold. Tools used to ensure that a software localization process is consistent and accurate can now also provide the means to drive language technology developments that will revolutionize the way in which your localized software and support materials (even your day-to-day business communications) are created and delivered. NuFantex's translation asset management system enables you to leverage on your existing translation assets to reduce the cost of current and future software localizations.

User experience

Desktop publishing

NuFantex delivers translated technical documentation designed for both online and offline publications in SGML, XML and PDF formats. Applications supported include Adobe FrameMaker, PageMaker, InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, QuarkXPress, Interleaf, CorelDraw, and Microsoft Office Suite tools.


Additionally, we support most commercial authoring and design applications on both PC and Macintosh platforms: MS Word, FrameMaker, Indesign, Quark Xpress, Corel Ventura, Illustrator, Freehand, PhotoShop etc.


To help convey your visual style to your intended readership, we will advise you on design issues and typographical conventions. Should you want us to adapt an existing material into another language, we will make sure that the spirit of the original design is maintained. We can also adapt the existing design to accommodate changes in layout due to language variations, such as right to left reading texts, or pictograms found in the Chinese language.

Desktop publishing

Tool list

(Software & Hardware):

Tool list

Desktop publishing Tools

  • Adobe Framemaker - 5.5, 6.0, 7 - 10 PC

  • Adobe Pagemaker

  • Quark Xpress- 4.0 / TC, SC, Jp, Ko / MAC, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0 for PC, 8.0 for Mac, 9.0 for PC

  • InDesign - CS2, CS3, CS4, CS5.5, CS6 for PC (and CS3 Middle East)

  • Adobe Illustrator– 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, CS2 (Middle East) CS3, PC and MAC

  • Adobe Photoshop - 6.0~CS4 /PC, MAC

  • Corel Draw - 9.0, 10, 11, 12, 14 PC

  • Flash- MX PC and MAC• Dreamweaver 8

  • Microsoft Office (word/PPT/Excel) 2003, 2007, 2010

  • Microsoft Visio 2007

  • Microsoft Publisher

  • WebWorks ePublisher Express 7.0, 9.0, 2003, 2011

  • HTML Help Workshop

Localization quality assurance

Our engineering process is based on a model comprising extensive Localization Quality Assurance procedures. Each localization project is completed within a consistent, quality-centric framework. Quality and workflow processes can be adapted to integrate with existing client environments. During all phases of the localization process, our management and production teams working from offices in Taipei and Beijing will control every aspect of the process through our quality assurance procedures.


Quality Assurance (QA) comprises pre-translation, translation and post-translation processes; without proper pre-translation document preparation and the use of appropriate tools during translation, any post-translation QA efforts will be futile, endless and costly. Allow us to elaborate further:


Pre-translation document preparation: Firstly, we must understand that a translator, regardless of his/her technical background, should only work on the text; a translator should never be asked to handle program codes in the documents on top of translation. Hence, before handing over the documents to our translation team, our project managers and engineers will make sure that all contents or tags (e.g. Framemaker tag) that are unrelated to the text are “protected”, such that they cannot be changed by the translators. This protection is carried out using selected macro programs. In this manner, we can ensure the accuracy of the non-textual components of the translated documents.


Next, our in-house linguists will go through the textual contents of the documents in the perspective of a translator. In this step known as Pre-QA (PQA), the original documents are examined in detail before translation, and any questions arising will be highlighted to the client; at the same time, we will construct a glossary in the original language.


The use of tools during translation: The use of Translation Memory (TM) tools during translation is of vital importance. These tools ensure consistency throughout a document, and can help our clients save cost. However, the use of TM alone is insufficient; it has to be coupled with the construction of a Glossary. When the translator is translating a sentence containing a key term, the existing translation(s) of that term will pop-up in real-time; the translator can then decide if the suggested translation is applicable in the current sentence. Why is building a Glossary important? When a project requires multiple translators working simultaneously, the Glossary is crucial in ensuring consistency (as explained above).


Most problems can be avoided with the three-tier approach described above; what remains is human error. How then do we detect human error?


Post-translation QA: This QA process comprises a two-step procedure: the first step of which is the preliminary review by the proofreader to uncover mistranslations, punctuation errors and other obvious problems; the second step involves the use of a QA software (TQC) developed internally by our company for error detection. During TQC, we will first import all glossaries and interface translations to form the bases for error detection. Next, we will import the translated document (bilingual) provided by the translator. An error report will then be generated, covering a total of 10 review items, including inconsistency in key terms (term inconsistency), multiple translations of identical sentences in the document (multi-translation), parts that have not been translated (missing translation), inconsistency in punctuation marks (punctuation error), inconsistency in numbers between the original and translated documents (wrong number), and inconsistency in tags and program codes between the original and translated documents, etc. This error report will be provided to the translator for verification and amendment where necessary. Through the above approach, human error is minimized.


The key to this comprehensive QA process is “time”. This means we require time in addition to that determined by daily translation output to implement these procedures. We seek our client’s understanding on this additional time requirement.


Preparation and application of the Glossary

1. Differentiation based on product types:

The existing Glossaries are differentiated based on the type of products, e.g. mobile phones, servers, WiMax, etc.

2. Based on this differentiation, the English strings to be retained will be filtered out.

3. The existing TM will be referenced for translations of technical terms (excluding terms in English to be retained).

4. A database will be created from the translated Glossary and the English strings to be retained.

5. Using relevant QA tools, the translated document will then be checked again for errors based on the Glossary.

A good Glossary should offer sufficient quantity (of terms) and comprehensive coverage. On top of that, it must be suitably differentiated for translators to reference it efficiently. Imagine a translator having to manually sieve through a Glossary with over 30, 000 entries while translating. Not only is this impractical, the entire translation process will be consequently slowed down. The translator will be put off by the Glossary, and the existence of the Glossary will be meaningless. Hence, all Glossaries should be reasonably differentiated based on the type of product, such that only the Glossary relevant to the product (or project) will be provided to the translator when a project comes up (irrelevant ones will be left out). Only then is the Glossary valuable, and speed and quality are ensured through concise workflow and procedures. We should minimize the amount of work that a translator needs to do in addition to translation; only then can he/she focus better on translation itself. If the Glossary takes the form of an Excel or Word file, it will slow down the translator’s speed, and disrupt the flow of the translation. Hence, the Glossary should be constructed as a dialog box that pops up automatically, at an appropriate time, to provide translations of relevant words to the translator without requiring him/her to open other files. This increases the accuracy and efficiency of the translation work, and will not disrupt the translator’s workflow. In addition to constructing a Glossary in the form of a Database, we will also integrate all Glossaries into the word bank of our QA tool. Upon receiving the translated document, we will perform a check using the tool, and then generate an Inconsistency Error Report in a blink of an eye. This report will be given to the translator for his/her verification and amendment.




Tel: 886-2-2718-4898  |  Email:

12F-4, No.128 Sec. 3, Min Sheng East Rd. Taipei, Taiwan, ROC


Copyright © 2018 New Fantex Technology co, Ltd.
NuFantex is trading under New Fantex Technology Co, Ltd.  Company Registration No: 22364187

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